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06 August 2024
The era of AI driven Data Analysis
Data Management and Analytics — 2 years ago — had an entirely different landscape. Although AI was just beginning to show its practical usage, especially during the pandemic, it only began to gather pace during the fall of 2022. That was the very inflection point in the history of practical AI systems. When it comes to Data management and analysis particularly this field has been revolutionised by the advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) especially Large Language Models also known as Generative AI. Traditionally, database analysis involved manual hand written query construction and interpretation, requiring extensive expertise and significant time investment from individuals and enterprises altogether. However, with the advent of AI-driven database analysis, the process has become more efficient, accurate, and insightful. ## What is AI-Driven Data Analysis? AI-driven data analysis can be understood in following points :- 1. Fundamentally uses LLMs (Large Language Models) like GPT etc. for query generation and first draft before finalising for execution and fetching data. 2. Perform an end-to-end full scale analysis of your data and view results in the form of table or graphs all of this is automated via sending text commands to the system and the system returns the appropriate query which could be a DDL or DML command and then executed on your data to perform the original task. 3. It is really efficient in the process of extraction, transformation, and interpretation of data from databases just by sending natural language commands in the form of text one can manipulate or add more data without writing too much SQL and in best case scenarios no manually written SQL will be required to achieve our goal. These AI-powered methods can help process large amount of datasets at high speed, find out hidden patterns, and generate visualisations for your business to rely upon. ## Benefits of AI powered Data Analysis The integration of AI into data analysis brings various benefits to user and enterprises some can be listed below : ### Speed AI-powered database systems can process and analyse large datasets much faster than archaic methods. Powerful features built using AI enables users to get their task resolved rapidly just by interacting with AI without manual intervention. ### Correctness By minimizing human error, AI-driven analysis and management often get you more accurate and reliable results. This precision is crucial for use cases that requires you to make better decisions. ### SQL support In order to be performant in generating an accurate SQL query the AI model also has to have full context of the syntax and dialect of a database system and fortunately the accuracy of these AI models in generating high quality SQL constructs is relatively high and improving with time and further advancements in core AI research. ### Cost-Effectiveness As we progress in time there will be obvious improvements in compute infrastructure and AI model research which will make entire AI systems more and more affordable for end users. Also automating the entire workflow for users with solid engineering leads to further cost savings making these AI products more affordable for daily usage. <br/> ## What’s Next? How is Flamingos solving it? <br/> ![chat notebook sql](https://d2vdeuvkyk5mrr.cloudfront.net/blog/blog_1_image_1.png) Flamingos dual execution modes Chat and Notebook. <br/> AI-driven data analysis is a field with perpetual scope for improvements. We, at **Flamingos**, aim to provide organizations and individuals with tools that are: 1. Built with our fundamental goal of providing **high performance** and **affordable pricing** data analytics and data management. 2. Support for multiple types of data sources from **databases** to **files** to **remote querying** of your data lakes (AWS S3, GCP Cloud Storage etc.). 3. Provide a set of dedicated modes for running your analysis so one could choose **Chat** or **Notebook** mode based on their preference on any given day. 4. Embedded cloud storage and query execution model so you can keep all your CSV, Excel or Parquet files in one place and run analysis instantly on our platform. Or **self-host** entire Flamingos on your own infrastructure without data ever leaving your servers. 5. Support for latest AI models like **[GPT4](https://platform.openai.com/docs/models/gpt-4-turbo-and-gpt-4), [GPT4o](https://platform.openai.com/docs/models/gpt-4o), [Claude Sonnet 3.5](https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet), [Opus](https://www.anthropic.com/claude) etc.** <br/><br/> <br/><br/> **[Flamingos](https://flamingos.dev)** is an end-to-end data analytics platform that enables enterprises to manage and analyse their data, quickly and cost-effectively. <br/><br/> Start your [30-Day FREE trial](https://flamingos.dev/sign-up) today.