
We started building Flamingos when we faced a similar problem at our previous company where data was primarily stored in an operational transactional DB (OLTP) and people from the analytics team often used to reach out to us to fix the crashed replica of DB for them to run their analytical queries.

As it turned out the entire setup itself was very naive given how small our engineering team was and we didn’t have time to build a proper data infrastructure required to enable other teams to query the data that was stored more efficiently, with least friction and lowest downtimes.

After this experience we decided to build something that would solve this for organisations who were in the same spot as us given all the constraints a small team has during their initial days of setting up a business.

If you want to know more about how Flamingos works and how it could solve some of your problems related to data analytics or data management in general you can book a demo call and chat with us.